VANCOUVER, B.C. – Aug. 6, 2019: WesPac Midstream Vancouver LLC’s formal request to temporarily suspend the Environmental Assessment Certificate Application Review for the Tilbury Marine Jetty Project has been accepted and the project scope extended by the B.C. Environmental Assessment Office. This temporary suspension follows a decision by the federal Minister of Environment and Climate Change earlier this month to extend the assessment of the potential impacts of marine shipping to the 12-nautical mile limit of Canada’s territorial waters. The request will allow WesPac to gather additional information needed to satisfy the requirements of the Marine Shipping Assessment and allow for additional consultation with Indigenous groups.

The company recognizes that the expectation for evaluating marine shipping activities has changed and is moving forward to provide the additional information needed to evaluate the expanded scope of the project. Once this shipping assessment is complete and has been reviewed by regulators, stakeholders and First Nations, we anticipate the 180-day Application Review period, which began March 21, will resume once the supplemental shipping assessment is completed and accepted by the BCEAO. We’re working to resume the regulatory process as soon as possible with the goal of beginning construction by summer 2020.

WesPac is committed to developing a marine jetty that benefits the environment by providing LNG to reduce the impact of global shipping, while also limiting our potential impact on the local environment. We’ve already enhanced the design of our project to limit its impact on the Fraser River, including reducing the overall footprint. We’ll also ensure local marine life is protected during construction and throughout the life of the project. For example, project vessels will follow established shipping lanes and maintain reduced speeds to limit interactions with marine mammals.


Tilbury Pacific
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