The Tilbury Pacific Marine Jetty Project will deliver community benefits through good-paying jobs and business opportunities to boost the local economy for many years.

  • Generate short-term jobs during the initial construction phase.
  • Generate long-term jobs during the operation of the facility.
  • Support jobs growth in the natural gas sector and the broader energy and marine industries across B.C.
  • Support municipal programs and spending in the community by paying industrial property taxes to the City of Delta.


The Tilbury Pacific Marine Jetty Project will deliver community benefits through good-paying jobs and business opportunities to boost the local economy for many years.

  • Generate short-term jobs during the initial construction phase.
  • Generate long-term jobs during the operation of the facility.
  • Support jobs growth in the natural gas sector and the broader energy and marine industries across B.C.
  • Support municipal programs and spending in the community by paying industrial property taxes to the City of Delta.


Air quality benefits

LNG is a safer and more environmentally responsible energy choice than oil-based marine shipping fuels and is an important step in reducing emissions. LNG reduces local air pollutants providing significant benefits to human health, this is especially important for ports and populated coastal areas. If all the marine fuel consumed in the Port of Vancouver were replaced with LNG benefits to the local airshed include:

  • Sulphur oxides (SOx) reduced by 98%
  • Nitrogen oxides (NOx) reduced by 84%
  • Particulate matter (PM) reduced by 89%
  • Greenhouse gases (GHG) reduced by up to 27% on a lifecycle-basis

The marine sector is one of the largest sources of sulphur dioxide emissions in the Lower Mainland. Due to the negligible amount of sulphur in LNG fuel, sulphur dioxide emissions are reduced to near zero as long as the dual fuel engines are running mainly on LNG. LNG from Tilbury will also dramatically reduce nitrogen oxides and particulate matter emissions.

Emissions reduction benefits

Fuelling ships with LNG is one of the most significant short-term contributions to reducing global greenhouse gas emissions.

With about 3,100 ships calling on the Port of Vancouver each year, switching to a cleaner fuel source for the marine shipping industry would see the Lower Mainland breathing easier. LNG from Tilbury can reduce greenhouse gas emissions 27 per cent compared to the petroleum-based marine fuels used today.


Air quality benefits

LNG is a safer and more environmentally responsible energy choice than oil-based marine shipping fuels and is an important step in reducing emissions. LNG reduces local air pollutants providing significant benefits to human health, this is especially important for ports and populated coastal areas. If all the marine fuel consumed in the Port of Vancouver were replaced with LNG benefits to the local airshed include:

  • Sulphur oxides (SOx) reduced by 98%
  • Nitrogen oxides (NOx) reduced by 84%
  • Particulate matter (PM) reduced by 89%
  • Greenhouse gases (GHG) reduced by up to 27% on a lifecycle-basis

The marine sector is one of the largest sources of sulphur dioxide emissions in the Lower Mainland. Due to the negligible amount of sulphur in LNG fuel, sulphur dioxide emissions are reduced to near zero as long as the dual fuel engines are running mainly on LNG. LNG from Tilbury will also dramatically reduce nitrogen oxides and particulate matter emissions.

Emissions reduction benefits

Fuelling ships with LNG is one of the most significant short-term contributions to reducing global greenhouse gas emissions.

With about 3,100 ships calling on the Port of Vancouver each year, switching to a cleaner fuel source for the marine shipping industry would see the Lower Mainland breathing easier. LNG from Tilbury can reduce greenhouse gas emissions 27 per cent compared to the petroleum-based marine fuels used today.